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Helping Developers and Builders of Class 2 Residential Projects in NSW achieve an OC

Why use
Project Assist

Getting construction projects on track to achieving and obtaining Occupancy Certificate so the project can settle on time and avoid late settlement fees has become more challenging with the introduction of recent new reforms from the NSW government.


Our experienced team supports builders and developers to achieve OC on time and save money.

Construction Workers

We get your Construction Projects on track

JAPM provides assistance to builders and developers of class 2 multi-level residential buildings.

Our core services include:


  • Compile the documentation needed to comply with the Building Commissioners Audit

  • Run workshops to present uploading procedures for the documentation needed

  • Act as quality control to verify all documentation is correct, consistent and organised

Construction Worker
Construction Site Managers


  • Prepare the site team for the Building Commissioners Audit

  • Conduct meeting with PCA, developer, builder and relevant stakeholders

  • Prepare the site team for on-the-spot questions from the Building Commissioners Audit Team

  • Foster a positive environment and on-site team atmosphere

We advise developers and builders on how to establish the correct procedures to comply with the requirements of the reforms and document the building works to meet the new legislation requirements.


The Building Commissioners Audit focuses on 5 Building Elements that are required to be correctly designed, built, and documented:
Structure, External Cladding / Façade, Essential Services: Fire Services / Mechanical / Electrical / Drainage, Waterproofing


Overall, we provide support across the 5 building elements to achieve OC on time!


Need help to be ready for your OC Audit?



  • Conduct site inspection with the Building Commissioners Audit in mind

  • Issue a report with areas of concern to consider for the Building Commissioners Audit

  • Undertake site visits to anticipate any issue

  • Support and advise on-site organisation and cleanliness

  • Establish the appropriate on-site procedures


Comply with the NSW reforms with ease

Changes brought by the Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (RAB Act) which came into effect on 1st September 2020 and the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (DBP Act) which has come into effect 1st July 2021 have highly impacted the building and construction industry in NSW.


The legislation is currently applicable where a building, or part of the building, is a Class 2 - multi-unit residential building.


Wondering how it applies to your project?


Save hundreds of thousands of dollars by avoiding late settlement

The Office of the Building Commissioner has been targeting builders and developers that are constructing Class 2 multi-level residential projects in NSW. The commissioner and his team are working hard to eradicate poor workmanship and non-compliance with the Australian Standards and the BCA.


This is raising a lot of challenges for builders and developers to comply and achieve OC in time to avoid late settlement.


Do you need assistance with the Building Commissioner Audit?

  • What are the new reforms impacting builders and developers in NSW?
    Recently, there has been two new acts introduced in NSW that have a considerable impact on the building and construction industry. Collectively known as ‘the Reforms’, these acts are: The Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (the DBP Act). The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (the RAB Act).
  • What are the objectives of the reforms?
    The objective of the Reforms is to ensure NSW’s building industry is constructing trustworthy buildings and delivering quality projects to consumers. The Reforms seek to increase the standard of current works, ensuring all work and materials used onsite are compliant with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and Australian standards. The Reforms are to protect homeowners and ensure a quality and safe product.
  • Who is responsible for complying with the reforms?
    The greatest accountability rests with the Developer (principal) as the individual/entity responsible for delivery of a product to consumers, however builders and designers will also be accountable. The purpose behind the push to change the building and construction industry is to ensure the entire team involved in the construction process is both accountable and performing at optimum standards.
  • What are the implications of the NSW Design and Building Practitioners and Residential Apartment Buildings reforms for builders and developers?
    The Reforms are to protect homeowners and ensure a quality and safe product. Part of this will see the regulator attending sites to ensure builders and developers are increasing the quality of products and workmanship or exiting the building game altogether. Such action will also ensure that financiers and insurers as well as consumers have a renewed level of trust in the NSW building industry.
  • What is The Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (the DBP Act) about?
    The DBP Act represents a quantum shift in the regulation of the construction industry in NSW and is part of the six-pillar plan proposed by the NSW Government in January 2020. The legislation introduces: Statutory duty of care, owed by people who carry out construction work, to owners of properties and subsequent owners, to exercise reasonable care to avoid pure economic loss by the owner. Scheme for the registration of building designers, builders, and engineers. Requirement for building designs to be declared to be compliant with the Building Code of Australia. Requirement for design practitioners to be adequately insured. The DBP Act introduces a process whereby building designs are now regulated and will require building compliance declarations (in the manner and form to be prescribed by the regulations) from designers covering: Compliance with the Building Code of Australia Compliance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations Standards, codes, or requirements applied in preparing the design Other matters prescribed by the regulations. Regulated designs are broad and cover: A design prepared for a building element for building work A design prepared for a performance solution for building work A design of a class prescribed by the regulations that is prepared for building work.
  • What are the main changes related to the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (the DBP Act)?
    Registration scheme requiring designers to certify designs for specific types of building work. This scheme ensures registered design practitioners comply with building regulations. Builders required to prepare and declare As Built drawings to reflect declared designs. Designers required to lodge plans on NSW ePlanning portal. Engineers and practitioners undertaking other forms of specialist work to be registered. Applicable to class 2 building work that has a construction certificate or complying development certificate after 1 July 2020.
  • What is The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (the RAB Act) about?
    The RAB commenced on 1 September 2020. Broadly speaking the reform is targeted at monitoring works to prevent issues prior to the issuance of an occupation certificate through monitoring the quality of works. It represents a targeted proactive compliance regime. In overview, the act brings the following reforms to the residential apartment sector of the construction industry: Developers are required to give the Department of Customer Service at least six months’ notice prior to applying for an occupation certificate. The Building Commissioner, through the Department of Customer Service, will be monitoring developments prior to the issuance of an occupation certificate and has developed a risk matrix assessment tool to identify high risk developers and certifiers that he considers should be monitored. Occupation certificates may be refused, and registration of a strata plan may be prohibited if: Six months’ notice isn’t provided. There is a serious defect (defined below) in the building. A building bond required by the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 has not been given. The Building Commissioner has sweeping powers to investigate works including the powers to examine construction plans, specifications and details and order destructive testing of works where deemed necessary.
  • What are the main changes related to the Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (the RAB Act)?
    In the event serious defects are found onsite, the Building Commissioner may stop the issuance of an occupation certificate if the building bond required under the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (SSMA) has not been paid or if the notification scheme has not been complied with. By way of clarification, the notification scheme requires developers give six months’ notice of a proposed application for an occupation certificate. The RAB affords the Building Commissioner power to: Stop works Open up works Call in relevant documentation Undertake testing As noted above, delay the issuance of an occupation certificate. Applicable to class 2 building work completed in the last 6-10 years. Occupation Certificate Audit inspections formally commenced 1 September 2020. OC Audit inspection teams will comprise of construction industry practitioners such as architects, engineers and builders who have been in the industry 15+ years.

Melrose Park, Sekisui House

Our Role:

As the Superintendent on this project, we were already participating in continuously verifying building compliance processes and documentation from the beginning of the project.


What we delivered:

  • We compiled the documentation requested and provided this to the Building Commissioners Audit Team in an organised manner.

  • We undertook site visits to verify any issues that could raise questions. Site visits prior to the audit pushed the builder to undergo a deep organisation and clean-up process.

  • JAPM conducted meetings with the PCA, Client, and Builder to prepare the response to the Building Commissioners Audit Team including input from all stakeholders.

    The Building Commissioner was impressed with the organisation and the on-site teamwork atmosphere. Our efforts to maintain a positive environment with the site team were recognised.


Pinnacle Schofields, The Bathla Group

Our Role:

Consultant to prepare the site team for the OC audit conducted by the Building Commissioners Audit Team.


What we delivered:

  • JAPM conducted a site inspection with the same objectives as the Building Commissioners Audit Team.

  • We issued a report identifying the items of concern to provide responses and rectification prior to the Audit.

  • Participated in site team meetings to advise on what to expect and best way to respond to on-the-spot questions of the audit team, and also advised on-site organisation and cleanliness.

  • JAPM conducted a workshop with the client to present uploading procedures for the requested documentation.

  • We acted as quality control and verified that all was correct, consistent, and organised.

​Most of the items noted on the audit report had been previously pointed out in JAPMs initial inspection report, and corrective actions were already in progress. 


“The work provided by JAPM was beyond my expectations. They provided a comprehensive and well-documented process that allowed the management of areas of concern regarding processes and onsite issues prior to the Building Commissioners Audit. They also ensured we were very well prepared for on-the-spot questions during the Audit and helped with post-audit actions, ensuring that the project passed the Audit process with flying colours.  We wouldn't go with anyone else moving forward!"

Simon Adams, Project Director Sekisui House

“The JAPM team was highly professional and responsive during the time working with them.
The level of expertise and highly professional advice led to the successful completion of the project Audit from the Building Commissioners Office.
Without their help, we could not have achieved OC on time and subsequently saved thousands of dollars"

Jason Pittman, Development Director

Construction Workers

Achieve OC on time and Save Money

Each day you don’t settle could cost between $20,000 to $50,000.


That’s between $140,000 to $350,000 per week depending on the size of the project.


Let us help you setup your processes, establish the appropriate on-site procedures, have the correct documentation in place to comply with the reforms to achieve OC and settle on time!


Fill in the form with your details and one of our team members will be in contact shortly.

Thanks! We will get back to you shortly.


© 2025 Jacquel Australia Project Management (JAPM) Pty Ltd


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